Education & Capacity-Building Program
Education​ Program
Our broad objective for the Community of Hope Academy Mission is to buttress the existing educational structures in Liberia by providing life-changing education (academic and vocational studies) to prepare students in their professions and callings (ministries) for services in their communities in the North-Eastern Rivercess County, Liberia and beyond, regardless of gender, social status and religion.
It will also contribute to efforts of government by utilizing sustainable Christian-based learning and capacity building process of the next generation of people ready to transform their lives and those of others.
We build and operate school(s) to provide education to buttress the existing educational structures in Liberia by establishing quality Christian-based academic and vocational institutions that enable and assist students to interpret social and human relationships and leadership in the light of the teachings of the WORD OF GOD.
Categories of education we provide:
Vocational (Arts, agriculture, health science/nursing & basic journalism)
Adult Literacy Program - The Adult Literacy Program (ALP) targets both males and females with no reading and writing skills (NRWS) and people with limited reading and writing skills (LRWS). The purpose is to prepare students how to recognize numbers, read and write English, Bassa and phonetic Liberian Languages, and to enhance small business management skills. Such program also enables non-English speaking pastors and teachers to be effective in their church ministries.
Sanitation & health awareness
Business & economic empowerment
Capacity-building & Leadership
We train teachers and provide in-service teacher-training to upgrade existing teachers. Identifying and equipping potential leaders of any discipline (civil, religious, scientific, business) is part of our educational program
Below are some of our primary goals under this initiative:
We build/operate school(s) to bridge existing educational gaps in Liberia by establishing quality Christian-based academic and vocational institutions.
We build teachers capacity by proving in-service training
​We provide in-service training to pastors and Church workers to become authentic in their witness and services to God’s people.
We engage in train-to-train-to-serve (IN-SERVICE TRAINING) in religious and academic settings.
Gbotoe Gorwor
Vice Principal (2016 - Present)
Junior Christian W. Gueh
Superintendent (2016 - Present)
Benjamin Nikpo Zoedehgar
Principal (2024 - Present)
John Dennis
Registrar (2022 - Present)
Teacher (2016 - Present)
Jonathan Gorwor
Dean (2022 - Present)
Harry B. Gueh
Principal (2016 - 2023)
Teacher (2016 - Present
Victoria Paye
Teacher (2022 - Present)
Levi Williams
Teacher (2024 - Present)
Ujay Glasco
Teacher (2021 - Present)
Anthony Dehwee
Teacher (2024 - Present)
Stephen Tarpeh
Teacher (2024 - Present)
Betu Garway
Teacher (2021 - Present)
Benetta M. K. KPAH
Teacher (2016 - Present)
Evelyn R. Gueh
Teacher (2024 - Present)
Amos Paye
Teacher/IT (2023 - Present)
Saturday Gargar
Janitor (2016 - Present)
Motto: Preparing For Success In A Changing World
Slogan: Education for better life
Campus Structures
Auditorium/Chapel & Cafeteria
School building (academic & hands-on vocational)
Dormitories (boys, girls & teachers), School building, Clinic/Hospital & Athletic grounds
Guests house
Psychosocial&Psychoactive Substance Abuse & Rehabilitation- Re-entry Program
We endeavor to make our community a wholesome and integral part of the development of the lives of our people (especially the youthful population), we have drawn a scheme of social and educational programs to institute good moral and civic values and also to enhance sense of self-esteem in the lives of our young people.
The program is aimed at endeavoring to make our communities a wholesome and integral part of the development of the lives of our vulnerable people (especially the youthful population), through social (including substance & psychological abuse) and educational programs to institute moral and civic values and a sense of self-esteem in the lives of our young people.
The target is vulnerable youth from age 8 to 26 in the Grand Bassa, Rivercess and outskirts of Lower Margibi and Montserrado Counties.
We use sport (soccer & kickball) as a bate or medium to recruit and rehabilitate vulnerable young people for productive life.
Counseling & Mentorship
Our mentor-ship style program is one that is designed to transform the current state of our disadvantaged youths by providing good counsel and guidance in their everyday lives. We do Substance abuse counseling & society reintegration and De-traumatization.
We provide capacity-building that will enable vulnerable children, adults and the elderly to attain their fullest potential and become responsible, engaged citizens, mentors and leaders of their communities and societies. In our capacity-building program (which is in formal and informal education settings), we identify potential leaders in any career or vocation of choice, prepare and support them to fulfill their individual goals.
Elderly(senior citizens)Program
The vulnerable Senior Citizens (elderly folks) program is aimed at endeavoring to make sure vulnerable elderly/old folks are loved and cared for, and to prevent them the many abuses, including calling them names (“witches”, "witchcraft"), especially those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's and dementia diseases. These diseases are foreign to the Liberians!
Our program is to assist with medical screening and awareness in:
High/low blood pressure, diabetes, malaria, typhoid fever, dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Assist with Homecare supports
Assist with food and clothing.​
Projected Result
The full implementation of this program will reveal a community of changed and responsible old folks/senior citizens who will live a more like accurate lifestyle by transforming their communities as well. In this light, we will experience a reduced diseases, abuse & abandonment and death among our aged vulnerable population.
Target Population
This program is mainly intended for vulnerable old people between the ages of 65 through 100+.
We use folktales, recreations, feeding, medical screenings and self-esteem as a medium to rehabilitate the vulnerable old people. Together, we can give hope for a better future for our vulnerable old folks/senior citizens.
The broad objectives of Abehinnyuen Community of Hope are:
To be all things to all people, and plant (spiritually) and maintain healthy (physically) independent, friendship, relationship, family, and community-oriented churches without walls, where the need exists.
To provide education to buttress the existing faith-based religious educational structures in Liberia (correlating, comparing and contrasting the Abrahamic faith, such as Christianity, Islam & Judaism).
To train pastors, deacons, teachers, and provide in service-training to equip city and rural pastors and church workers, by providing in service pastoral training and to train Church workers to become authentic in their witness and services to God’s people
In order to have an effective in-service training program in post conflict and post Ebola Liberia, our pastors and church workers need more academic, pastoral and ministry trainings. ACOH is willing to partnership or work with local and international Christian institutions to help train the teachers/pastors for our in-service training program to enable doing church differently for effective results.
Presently, Abehinnyuen Community of Hope, Inc., has Grace Bible Faith Community Church of Liberia (GBFCCL) and Christ Evangelistic Liberation League (CELL) Ministries as associate churches, and they are involved with our pastoral/laymen in-service trainings. The pastors of these two churches help with the in-service programs where needed.
We also use radio broadcasting and social media for training.
Health & Health Awareness Club
We promote the health & wellness of “at-risk” people, including those who are physically challenged, or who have other special needs through educational programs and community involvement.
We also provide medical assistance to vulnerable individuals or family that has no financial means to pay for his/her or their medical expenses.
We promote proper sanitation techniques
Medical screenings & education (high/low blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
Medical assistance to vulnerable individuals
To assist vulnerable people with basic:
Health & wellness
Hope FM
The Radio Station
The radio ministry, since it takes more than five hours of walking to travel among the villages, the radio station will be very effective in spreading and equipping the Kingdom of God and providing valuable information and awareness to the villagers.
Projected Result
The full implementation of this program will reveal a community of changed, well informed and responsible people who will live a better lifestyle by transforming their communities as well. In this light, we will experience a reduced iliteracy, poor health conditions, crime and violent environment, thereby increasing the chances for the people to prioritize safety, good health and education.
Target Population
This program is mainly intended for the general population.
Hope FM​
Hope FM is currently down, due to lack of studio equipments. The portable CD/cassette player we were using as transmitter was damaged by the 12 volts battery donated to the station.
​Our Media & Broadcasting Club
(Basic Journalism)
Is to share the GOSPEL of LOVE through providing
A Christian based radio ministry that would train journalists to tell the TRUTH from God's perspective in their career.
The purpose of the radio station is to:
Take Christianity in the cities and villages for teaching and defending the Word of God.
To broadcast programs for post-civil war reconciliation through Biblical principles
Train pastors and others who neither understand English nor read and write English or have biblical education of any type.
General education and information, such as academic & vocational education by radio, health awareness and civic engagement.
Train youth in broadcasting and journalism with Christian principles.
​Our Agricultural Program
Farming God’s Way
When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually?
Does he keep on breaking up and working the soil? When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cumin? Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field? His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.
Isaiah 28:24 - 26 NIV
Is to share the GOSPEL of LOVE through Agriculture and hunger prevention with economic empowerment services.​
​Prgram Description​
Our program is to:
Do hands-on-teachings to our students and village-farmers to engage in organic farming to grow rice, fruits, vegetables, tropical root and tuber crops, etc.
Help farmer(s) process their rice seeds through our rice mill
Buy rice, fruits, vegetables, tropical root and tuber crops from the farmers to enable them to financially secured.
Target Population
This program is mainly intended for young people 18 years and adults of farming age.
Projected Result
The full implementation of this program will reveal a community of self-sufficient food production and poverty reduction.
Immigration & Linguistic Services
Our Immigration & Linguistic Programs
aim at providing:
I. Immigration services such helping clients with their immigration forms, civic test and interview techniques to enable legal immigrants and non-immigrants to adjust their statuses .
II. Community interpreting (translation & interpretation) services, and to provide awareness in tropical and non-tropical diseases to hospitals and healthcare agencies in the Bassa and other Liberian Languages. III. Train other nationalities to become interpreters to help facilitate community services.
IV. Make available information, referrals to resources and to teach skills and promote cross- cultural understanding to enable the vulnerable immigrants, as well as other vulnerable people become independent, contributing members of the community and society where they reside.